The Flock

Sprite the Head Hen
A Barred Plymouth Rock named Sprite. According to Murray McMurray Hatchery "The Barred Rock is one of the all time popular favorites in this country. Developed in New England in the early 1800's by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas, it has spread to every part of the U.S. and is an ideal American chicken. Prolific layers of brown eggs, the hens are not discouraged by cold weather." 

Sprite has attitude! She is the head hen and makes sure all the others fall in line. She is best friends with Tutankhamun, our Red Star, they are inseparable. 

Tuttenkaman  'Tuttie'
A Red Star named Tutankhamun.  Murray McMurray Hatchery says " A "sex-link" chicken is one, which at time of hatch, can be sexed by its color. RED STAR: These hens will mature with feathers that are reddish brown with flecks of white throughout. The males are all white with nice yellow skin. (They will not retain the same characteristics in future.) At approximately 22 weeks these hens will start to lay and lay they will. We're sure this hardy bird will become a favorite of yours as it lays eggs right through hot or cold weather. No wonder it's called the Red Star." 

Tuttie is very easy going.  She is second in command just below Sprite. She will peck at the others but will also sit and eat next to a few also. She stated laying at 17 weeks which is common for Red Stars.  It took her a while to get into the grove of laying, but now she is one of our best layers!


A Barred Plymouth Rock named Zelda. According to Murray McMurray Hatchery "The Barred Rock is one of the all time popular favorites in this country. Developed in New England in the early 1800's by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas, it has spread to every part of the U.S. and is an ideal American chicken. Prolific layers of brown eggs, the hens are not discouraged by cold weather." 

Zelda is full of personality. When she sees me coming she starts yelling! She wants attention and will push her way to the front to get it bocking the whole time.  She is great consistent layer.

Coffee and Arduino  'The Twins'
A couple of Golden Laced Wyandottes named Coffee and Arduino. From the Murray McMurray Hachery site. "The “ancestors” of Golden Laced Wyandottes originated in Wisconsin and were called Winnebagoes. By 1880 they received their present-day name. This variety is a beautiful combination of rich golden bay laced with lustrous greenish black. The general feather pattern is very similar to the Silver Laced Wyandottes. A beautiful bird for exhibition."

These girls are next in line.  I can hardly yell them apart.  One of them ( I think it's  Coffee) likes to jump up and nap on my lap.  They are sweet but can get a little nastily if the other flockers test them. 

Bamboo our Easter Egger
An Easter Egger named Bamboo. Murray McMurray Hatchery says "The Araucanas/Ameraucanas are known as the "Easter Egg Bird," in multi-colored mixed white, brown, red and blacks these  birds are characterized as having fluffy ear muffs. Famous for their blue and green eggs, Ameraucanas, are wonderful egg producers and have an impressively long laying season; and are able to withstand hot and cold climates.  This breed derives from the Araucana but is a mix of breeds, which subsequently makes it not a show bird.

Bamboo is sweet. She wants to be at the top of pecking order but she just can't seem to get there.  When she was younger she was mean, pecking at everyone but she has softened in her young age.

A Blue Orpington Named Thea. From Murray McMurray "One time years ago at our Hamilton County Fair the poultry judge was asked to describe the correct plumage color for this variety. Taking out his gold watch he said, "That's the color for Buff Orpingtons." And pure gold they are, symbolic of great value and high quality. Introduced from England in the late 1800's, they became one of the most popular farm fowls in this country. These are large, stately birds of quiet disposition."

Thea is a rare Blue variety, but she turned out to black. I have to say she a super sweetie. A gentle giant.

Sweet Sky
A Blue Orpington named Sky.  From Murray McMurray "One time years ago at our Hamilton County Fair the poultry judge was asked to describe the correct plumage color for this variety. Taking out his gold watch he said, "That's the color for Buff Orpingtons." And pure gold they are, symbolic of great value and high quality. Introduced from England in the late 1800's, they became one of the most popular farm fowls in this country. These are large, stately birds of quiet disposition."

Am I allowed to have favorites? Well I do and its Sky. Sky will run to me, hop on my lap, and immediately take a nap. She has all the characteristics that Buff Orpingtons are famous for and she is a beautiful gray color. She is my heart and I love her to death!

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